Tag Archives: Machu Picchu

From being to doing

My first two weeks of being solo, living in Cusco, and taking Spanish classes have come to a close. My dad arrived on Saturday and after a quiet first day, yesterday we went to the Cathedral, the Museo Inca, and the Iglesia de la Compañia. We also wandered around San Blas and the Plaza and had a drink at Norton’s overlooking the plaza in the late afternoon sun — all things I’ve been doing in my afternoons. Yesterday, though, I feel like I switched modes. It’s time to see the sites in my last week here.

Me and my dad near the Plaza
Me and my dad near the Plaza

Today, we are off on a three day excursion to the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu. I posted our itinerary in Spanish already. Here it is in English:

  • Today: We are hiking Huchuy Qosco. It’s about a five hour hike during which we’ll see ruins at “small Cusco.” We’ll then drive to Ollantaytambo for the evening.
  • Tuesday: We will explore Maras and Moray, where there are terraced concentric circles that were likely used for agricultural development. We’ll see the salt flats at Salineras and we’ll explore the ruins at Ollantaytambo before taking the train to Aguas Calientes.
  • Wednesday: Machu Picchu!

This site has information on these places if you want to read more: http://www.andeantravelweb.com/peru/destinations/cusco/sacredvalley.html.

We are excited. I’ve been anticipating this week, explaining to everyone who asks if I’ve been to Machu Picchu yet that I’m going when my dad arrives. And so we’re off!