Tag Archives: Refreshed

Back to the Real World

I managed two posts in Spanish the day before heading back to work, but not a reflection in English. Now I’ve been back at work for two weeks. It’s been busy and a bit of an adjustment. In life and in work, I seem to be able to think of more things that I need to or should do than I can keep up with actually doing. Inspired by watching the US – Portugal World Cup game on the Spanish channel, I am finally writing another post. The game is tied up at the moment and I’m hoping we can take the lead or at least hold the draw. (We did go ahead but then it was back to a tie in the last seconds – fingers crossed!)

All in all, it’s good to be back. I’m very glad that I gave myself a week back in the U.S. before diving back into work. After a relaxing weekend with Seth, I headed up to my hometown to present a scholarship in memory of my mom at the local high school. It was a special moment and we were glad that the scholarship committee selected someone we know from the camp community (even if they might not have picked for that reason). I then spent a day at camp relaxing and reflecting. A few more days slipped by and I was down to the last weekend of my mini-sabbatical.

After a quick overnight trip to the Cape, ready or not, I eased into work the first few days trying to figure out the important things that happened and where to dig back in. With summer institutes approaching and the continuing pressure (and desire) to support much needed organizational changes in our new strategic plan, I find myself hanging on to the goal of a better work-life balance and the joyful and relaxed sabbatical mindset. Without sabbatical to look forward to, I will need to find a new goal on which to focus.

I have some ideas for future blog posts of stories from South America (such as: Tejo a.k.a. Colombian horseshoes (with a bang)), though I’m not sure if my blogger identity has been solidified. I’m sure some ideas will never be more than ideas, but hopefully a few of them will get written some day. It was a great six weeks!